Author Jay Allan Storey has traveled the world, passing through many places in the news today, including Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and the Swat valley in Pakistan…
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Trashing Climate Change Will Solve Everything

Trashing Climate Change Will Solve Everything

It seems that every time I go to facebook, or read the news elsewhere on the Internet, there are more and more advocates trotting out reasons why Climate Change is a myth – why it isn’t really happening, or why it isn’t a serious threat. Despite decades of warnings, reams of scientific data, and countless

Trashing Climate Change Will Solve Everything
Trashing Climate Change Will Solve Everything

It seems that every time I go to facebook, or read the news elsewhere on the Internet, there are more and more advocates trotting out reasons why Climate Change is a myth – why it isn’t really happening, or why it isn’t a serious threat. Despite decades of warnings, reams of scientific data, and countless

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Don’t Listen to Me
Don’t Listen to Me

In several of my past blog posts, I’ve tried to point out that human overconsumption is at the root of almost all of the Earth’s environmental problems: wildlife extinction, air and water pollution, plastic-filled oceans, even Climate Change. I’m reasonably sure that, for various reasons, many people who have read those blog entries haven’t believed

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What is Human Nature?
What is Human Nature?

The most common definition given in dictionaries is: “the ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are common to most people” And the most common viewpoint is that ‘you can’t change human nature’, that trying to do anything that goes against it is like swimming against the tide, and destined to fail. But what are

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