The spellbinding SciFi series revolving around The Station – a massive city buried deep beneath the surface of a frozen, lifeless earth, its origins lost in the mists of time.
Book 1, The Black Heart of the Station
Teenager Josh Driscoll’s frequent rule-breaking exploits are focused on a single question – how did we get here? Deciphering an encrypted journal hidden for centuries, Josh learns that a computer complex sealed off after an ancient asteroid strike, may hold the answers he’s been seeking, and may be all that can save the Station from certain annihilation.
Book 2, Black Heart : Arrival
Sixty years after Book 1, teenager Trudy Barnard Trudy uncovers a plot to obliterate of the Station at the moment of Arrival. She ignites a firestorm that pits her against the governing Council and her own father, when she hacks into the Mission Control system itself, searching for answers. In a desperate race against time, and targeted for death by an unknown enemy, she struggles to unravel the mystery.
Book 3, Black Heart : Origin
Hard-nosed blogger Carmine Cleary lives in a frigid and snow-bound Los Angeles in the mid twenty-first century. An ongoing celestial catastrophe nicknamed the ‘Big Chill’ will transform the earth’s surface into an unlivable frozen wasteland within a year. Like everyone else, Carmine has come to accept that he will die of the cold or starvation. But while investigating the death of a billionaire philanthropist, he stumbles on an incredible secret known only to a select few — that a mysterious secret society has been constructing a massive installation deep underground, not far from the city of San Francisco.
A tiny fraction of humanity are planning to survive the Big Chill.
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